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Mod Ambient Sounds Tuner

Marginalized game not only can disable the sound of wind, but you can also change the volume of each sound category in your game. Bored listening to the sound of wind when zoomed, but the players still want to hear ambient sound while gaming? This mod will allow players to adjust each ambient sound different types separately entering this game. After installing this mod to the game and go to the audio setup, players will see a new button that appears opens a new window, where you can change the volume of all the sounds around and the effect sound to the game. Steam Workshop and to register with the mod, it will install automatically. This will also keep it updated with newer versions. If you want to do it by hand, you can copy this repo, compile the code yourself and to the DLL file in your mods folder.

Technically, the title Ambient Sounds Tuner is not right anymore since the first update after the initial release, the ability to adjust the sound effects are added. But the old name was set in stone, so players will just go with it. Just keep in mind that the buttons in the options sound in this game is now called Sounds Tuner Tuner instead of Ambient Sounds. Although it is not necessary, if the nodes are not shown after activation, try to restart the game cities skylines mods. This mod is basically set the mass of each siren to 0 in the same position as any Ambient Sounds Tuner. However, Ambient Sounds Tuner allows users to customize the volume of each sound effect according to the user’s preferences. So SilenceObnoxiousSirens is not necessary when using Ambient Sounds Tuner. This mod is based on version 1.1.0 of the city skyline, and it does not guarantee that it will work on future versions. I’ll try to keep it as updated as newer versions have been released however. If a newer version of the skyscraper city break your game, do not worry. This mod should not disrupt the user’s savings (as far as I know). Just disable the mod in this period until an updated version of this mod is released. This mod in the game should be compatible with all the mods, as long as they do not change the following:

The value of AudioManager.instance.m_properties.m_ambients. M_audioInfo values ​​within a EffectInfo it is a SoundEffect.


SilenceObnoxiousSirens This mod is basically set the mass of each siren to 0 in the same position as any Ambient Sounds Tuner. However, Ambient Sounds Tuner allows players to customize the volume of each sound effect player’s liking. So SilenceObnoxiousSirens is not necessary when using Ambient Sounds Tuner. In the process of installing and using this mod, if found any errors in the process of use, please report it to us. We are happy for their cooperation and your trust.

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