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Night Light Mod + Cycle

Cities: Skylines still shortcomings when it started on the night. So, this mod will give you tools to support to see things better. This mod provides the frame rate when streetlights are added. The street will be illuminated by electric lighting systems. The other area to look at would include buildings, street lights, traffic lights, and also anything else that must be highlighted. What has been achieved so far with the car will be very good light so let’s hope it grows further and we all will be clad in the city full time night light.

The mod features are: -5 Cubemaps reflection / new environment. Games only two that do not reflect actual supply on the building. – More realistic day-night cycle. Includes a beautiful sunrise with yellow horizon, a gray morning, a light lunch really clear without color distortion and an actual orange horizon than at dusk. – More realistic view depends on the sky / city reflected on the buildings. – Add daylight ralistic, not everything looks golden again. – “Blue hour” after sunset for a great night photos. – Brighter nighlights to build games that do not affect the project with custom shaders – Do not overload than white building facades during the day – No orange abstract thinking more on the buildings, now they reflect the sky from time to time during the day. AM

– Make the default shader nightlights build brighter without affecting custom shaders, it will also improve their reflexes and reduce specularity to avoid burns white area. -Shorter Shadow at noon. (V1.2.1 and v1.2.2) new cubemaps: With a view depends accurate reflection I mean the game reflect on or botom of the cubemap depending on the camera position. The mod is based on, Moving Sun, is very customizable. You can make a day and night cycle takes 24 hours time if you want. Many argue that the night time a lot more convincing and lit up enough, even without the lights coming from inside the building. This is a good idea to us this excellent mod. you can also contribute ideas for us.

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