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Traffic Report Tool 1.4

To find out why gioa communication is not supported, you can use immediately mod Traffic Report Tool 1.4. On this tool will give you different utilities to help you play the game cities skylines mods User manual: To activate the tool, select the radio button in the upper left side of the info button to see. Your cursor will change to a magnifying glass. It will provide you with 3 different levels of inspection: -th Least, choose a car * will display its current path to its destination.

– Second, choose a ramp will show you the path of all vehicles currently on the road passing through it. Tuesday, choosing a project will give you all the way out of the car or going to or leaving it. The renewal of interest to you: free camera fixed, Change visibility of vehicles, displays the percentage of traffic maps, Button will be hidden when using HideUI, good graphics.

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