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Extended Road Upgrade

In this mod, you will be provided with two additional tools to help build road upgrade from one-way and two-way and redirects to the one-way street. Just click on the path and drag in the direction you want to go, you can change them. This toolkit will be useful to you during the game. But not everyone can use it competently.

The route is always transferred to the partners of the same type, so it does not matter which path you have chosen type of tool path. This also means that it can not be directly transferred to a road 4-lane one-way street, because there is no 4-lane one-way street kind of game. Instead, you must first upgrade path to a path with 2 or 6 lanes and then convert it into a one-way street. It is always recommended that you save your city before using the mod. Hopefully this mod will be great help for you in the game Cities Skylines.

Full source code is available at:

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